COR 70 Industrial with BT
With 70 mm. European Channel frame thickness and hardware this innovation of the R & D & I Department with a heat transfer coefficient of only 0.9 W / m²K to be able to adapt to different climatic conditions and energy efficiency needs.
Due to the simple assembly method and the reduced need for labor, it allows industrialized production with time and cost savings.
Possibility to use rods with straight or rounded aesthetics.
The possibility of glazing up to 55 mm that allows the use of energy-saving bottles and large thicknesses, offering this system excellent acoustic and thermal performance.
It has the possibility to use hardware with hidden hinges.
Possibility to use Evo Security hardware.
55 mm
»Possibility of opening
Interior opening: swing,
oscillating-swinging, oscillating-parallel
and oscillation.
Exterior opening: swing,
projecting-sliding, pivoting
with horizontal and vertical fixing.
Heel – 70 mm / Sheet – 78 mm
»Profile thickness
1.5 mm window
Use a 1.7 mm balcony
»Polyamide bar length
32 – 35 mm
»Maximum dimensions
Width (L) = 1500 mm
Height (H) = 2600 mm
»Maximum weight
160 Kg
See weight and dimensions
maximum according to the typology.
Possibility Bicolor / Painting / Eloding
Uw from 0.9 (W / m²K)
Consult the typology, size and bottle
»Maximum sound insulation
Rw = 44 dB
»Air permeability
(UNE-EN 12207): CLASS 4
»Water tightness
(UNE-EN 12208): CLASS E1200
»Wind resistance
(UNE-EN 12210): CLASS C5
Reference test 1.23 x 1.48 m 2 sheet.
»Resistance to burglary
(EN 1627): Grade RC2 (Wk2)
Reference test 2.52 x 1.47 m, 1 sheet
with EVO SECURITY hardware
»CSTB DTA certification laboratory
Ref. 6 / 17-2363
»ATG certificate
No. 3204
»Safety test
(STEP 24): Apt
Reference test: 1100 x 2400 mm, 1 sheet